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San Diego, CA
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Comic-Con Is Everything That You Hope and Dream It Will Be

Comic Con San Diego

It’s that time of year again—time for one of San Diego’s most distinctive and downright fun celebrations: Comic-Con International!

If you’ve never attended this internationally famous gala, which sees devotees of graphic novels, comics, and associated art forms mingle with the artists and actors who help create them in a costumed extravaganza, you’ll want to experience it for yourself. This year’s Comic-Con runs from July 24 through the 27th.

If you’re lodging with us at the Sofia Hotel—and why wouldn’t you be?—you’re only a short walk from the festival, held in the San Diego Convention Center.

The Unique Energy of Comic-Con

San Diego’s Comic-Con is celebrating its 45th run, having first strutted its stuff back in 1970. First housed in the El Cortez Hotel and then the Convention and Performing Arts Center, the event settled in its present home when the Convention Center opened in 1991.

It’s the biggest comic-book convention in the country (and San Diego’s biggest convention of any kind). The huge spread of genres celebrated and the colorful diversity of events and activities are Comic-Con hallmarks. Some 40 special guests this year will participate in panels, sign autographs, and share their work. Among them are Kiefer Sutherland, on hand to discuss the TV (and film) phenomenon 24; Ray Billingsley, the cartoonist behind Curtis; Kevin Eastman, one of the co-creators of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; and Sara Mayhew, a well-known manga master.

There’ll also be film and TV-show screenings, art displays, games, and—of course—the famous Masquerade, in which fans decked out as their favorite superheroes, film characters, or other fictional heroes square off in a memorable—and exceedingly fun—costume competition.

Close at Hand

Whether you’re a Comic-Con veteran or a curious newbie, the Sofia Hotel offers prime accommodations for the event, such an easy stroll away. Come experience one of the world’s great pop-culture gatherings—and, without doubt, some of the most dedicated and creative fans you’ll ever see!