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Carnevale: Get A Little Taste Of Italy On Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Little Italy San Diego

Masked revelers, mouthwatering delicacies from one of the world’s great cuisines, joyous music, dance, and acrobatics: It must be time once again for the Little Italy Carnevale!

On March 1, San Diego will take on a distinctly Venetian flair (naturally with a Southern California twist). Overseen by the Little Italy Association, which helps manage and improve the city’s Little Italy neighborhood, the 2014 iteration of our homegrown Carnevale takes place on the stretch of India Street between W. Cedar and W. Fir streets from 5 and 9 p.m. The primary stage is set at W. Date Street.

A Party With Old World Flavors

The 2013 Little Italy Carnevale saw more than 12,000 people enact their own version of the Carnevale di Venizia, that time-honored extravaganza of costume, food, and carousing preceding Lent.

You’ll find a wide variety of street entertainers, musicians, dancers, fantastic Italian cuisine, and—of course—an unforgettable feast for the eyes in the form of traditional Carnevale finery. Best-known are those wildly varied Venetian masks, from the austere bauta to the beaked Medico della peste.

The event will also include plenty of opportunities for shopping and dining along India Street’s lively thoroughfare.

Experience Little Italy

The Carnevale is a fantastic opportunity to explore one of San Diego’s most venerable neighborhoods. For much of the 20th century, Little Italy served as home for many of the workers in the city’s tuna industry, once one of the biggest in the world. Today it serves as a vital economic and cultural pillar for the downtown—and ranks as one of the country’s healthiest, most cohesive Little Italys.

Getting to the Little Italy Carnevale from the Sofia Hotel is easy as can be: We’re less than a mile to the south. Don a mask and a cape, embrace your inner Venetian spirit, and whisk yourself just a few blocks to join in the festivities. Given the music, the visual spectacle, and the food, you may find yourself transported in both time and space—and have the time of your life in the process!

(Image source)